All health information and tips collected from any source and not changes advices, suggestion, consultation and a visit to your doctor. So, if your get sick just contact your doctor.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Easiest ways to cope with Mesothelioma
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Cervical Cancer Prevention – Call to Action Feature Targeted at Mothers and Daughters
Protect Your Daughter and You against Cervical Cancer
In the 15 minutes it will take you to read this article, four Asian women will die from cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is second only to breast cancer as the biggest killer of Asian women. How about Indonesia? Cervical cancer is the first among all female cancer.1
According to a recent survey, almost 1,7352 Asian women described cervical cancer as genetic- actually caused by HPV infection.
Cervical cancer is not usually top of the mind when we think of female cancers, but the grim reality is that in Asia Pacific, a women dies of cervical cancer every 4 minutes.3 In fact, of the 270.000 Asian women who will be diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2007, more than half will die from it.3 Every women is at risk – no matter her age of family history.4,5
Introducing HPV – the Risk Facing Every Women
What most of us don’t know is that cervical cancer is caused by different types of a common and contagious virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and is easily transmitted. Cervical cancer occurs through persistent infection with cancer causing type of HPV. Every woman is at risk of cancer causing HPV infection, which may cause cervical cancer throughout her life.6
HPV can be easily transmitted by skin to skin contact in the genital area, therefore risk starts right from sexual debut.7
Screening is important as it helps to detect the development of cervical cancer.8 However, screening can not prevent cervical cancer.9,10 The good news for women is that a vaccine specifically designed to help protect both young and older women against cervical cancer is becoming a reality and is wonderful news for Indonesian women and women everywhere.
According to Prof/Doctor (insert name) of (insert credentials), “After years of research, the arrival of HPV vaccines to prevent cervical cancer means that future generations of women can be saved from the misery caused by cervical cancer. To increase the effectiveness, however, the HPV vaccine should be administered before the first potential exposure to the virus, prior sexual debut. The best way to way to protect your daughter is by telling her the facts and to consider vaccination now-when she is able to benefit most from the vaccine.”
Talking about the potential role of vaccination, Yuanita Rohali, (insert age) from (insert location) said, “I would do anything to protect my family. I have ……teenage daughters and as far as I am concerned, I know that cervical cancer is preventable – it would be irresponsible not to vaccinate them. I have so many things to worry about in my family’s life-cervical cancer just doesn’t need to be one of them. If cervical cancer is one aspect of our lives I can control – then I will definitely get vaccinated for my daughter”.
Speaking about her mother’s proactive approach toward helping cervical cancer prevention, Alika, 13 years old said, “My mother took the time to talk to me about cervical cancer. I was a little frightened but I know if I have any questions, I can always go to her for advice. I have agreed to get vaccinated so I am protected.”
When was the last time you spoke to your doctors about screening or cervical cancer? In the future, vaccination alongside screening will help reduce the risk of cervical cancer further than screening alone and will also significantly reduce the number of abnormal screening results requiring follow up.11,12,13.
Ask your doctor about vaccine that help provide both young and older women with strong and sustained immune response.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Cokelat Atasi Kadar Kolesterol Tinggi
Jika Anda tergolong penggemar berat cokelat, Anda bisa berlega hati. Pasalnya, mereka yang sering makan cokelat bisa mengurangi beberapa resiko terkena penyakit seperti darah tinggi, diabetes, kolesetrol dan resiko terkena serangan jantung.
Kakao yang memiliki nama latin Theobroma cacao merupakan tumbuhan dengan tinggi 10 m yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan. Tumbuhan ini memiliki biji yang dapat dihasilkan sebagai produk olahan, yang biasa dikenal sebagai cokelat.
Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa kandungan bahan kimia yang ditemukan pada biji cokelat atau kakao bisa meningkatkan kinerja pembuluh darah pada penderita diabetes dan hipertensi. Juga mempengaruhi tingkat kolestrol dalam darah.
Sebuah studi baru dari Spanyol pun turut membuktikan, cokelat bisa menjadi obat alami untuk mengurangi resiko terhadap penyakit jantung koroner. Selain itu, perpaduan antara cokelat dan susu rendah lemak juga berpengaruh pada tingkat kadar kolestrol dalam darah.
Studi ini telah dipublikasikan Journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. Konsumsi 40 gram produk olahan kakao dan 500 ml susu skim per hari selama 4 minggu bisa meningkatkan kadar kolestrol baik (HDL) dan mengurangi tingkat kolestrol jahat dalam darah (LDL).
Penelitian ini melibatkan 42 relawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam uji coba secara acak. Peserta yang makan cokelat secara teratur selama 4 minggu ditemukan memiliki peningkatan kadar kolestrol baik sebanyak 5%. selain itu, mereka yang minum susu skim coklat beresiko rendah terhadap LDL (kolestrol buruk) dibanding yang tidak atau minum susu skim tanpa coklat.
Hal ini karena pada biji cokelat terdapat kandungan polifenol yang memiliki peran penting untuk meningkatkan produksi molekul apolipoprotein (Apo) A1. Molekul ini merupakan komponen protein utama HDL.
Sementara itu, menurut catatan Archives of Internal Medicine di tahun 2007 lalu, ada sejumlah manfaat besar cokelat. Cokelat baik untuk mengurangi resiko turunnya tekanan darah, meningkatkan ketahanan hidup bagi mereka yang terkena serangan jantung serta bisa melindungi kulit dari kerusakan oleh radikal bebas atau sinar UV.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
a. Take a break from your current activity
Everyone use their heads to think most of the time. Like our others organ, we also need to rest our mind. Remember to give our head a rest. Headaches can sometimes be your body’s sign that you’re doing too much and need to slow down, so listen to what it’s telling you.
b. Breathe deeply
When your head hurts, stop, relax and take some deep breaths. Don’t underestimate the ability of the breath to calm your body and move energy and stress through it that may be stuck and causing pain. In fact, this is a good practice for every day, whether you’re experiencing pain or not.
c. Eat healthy
Everyone needs foods for their life. Everyone know, better foods gives us better life. So, begin with a good breakfast, which some people feel is the most vital meal of the day. You should also maintain a balanced diet throughout the day, so you can maintain consistent energy and blood sugar levels.
d. Cut out the caffeine
Caffeine can boost your energy and wake you up, but using it excessively (or even at all, for some people) can also cause tension headaches and leave you feeling nervous and irritable. This is another instance when it’s beneficial to listen to what your body tells you. If you have a reaction when you drink coffee, simply eliminate it. Herbal teas are good substitutes, as are roasted grain drinks that simulate coffee taste. You can buy these from the health food store.
e. Say no to additives
Food additives, such as artificial colors and flavors, can trigger headaches. There’s even some evidence that large doses over time may cause more serious problems, such as strokes and seizures. There’s no reason to ingest these additives and they can be easily avoided if you stick to natural foods, with an emphasis on “live” substances, such as fruits and vegetables.
f. Apply a cold, wet cloth
Cool down your aching head by using a towel that has been soaked in cold water and wrung out. If you have the patience to wait, you can also place the wet towel in the freezer before applying it to your head.
g. See an eye specialist
Vision problems or eye strain can sometimes be the cause of headaches, so if you have consistent headaches that don’t seem to have any other cause, get your vision checked. To lessen the financial stress going to the eye doctor can generate, check out your medical coverage to see if you’re covered. Some medical health plans have eye care coverage options, so know if yours does before you go.
If you don’t know what’s causing your headaches, you can assess which of the above factors are relevant to you by keeping a diary that lists which activities you’ve done during the day and what foods you’ve eaten. Patterns will probably surface quickly as you keep the diary, which will give you a good basis for knowing how to treat your headaches.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Simple Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes
Eyes are an important parts of our bodies. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. In order to keep the eyes healthy, there are several things to be aware when you perform daily activities. Here are tips you can do:
- Outside Room. Not only is the body that need protection from ultraviolet light, the eyes were also needed. Therefore, any outdoor activity, especially in the daytime -wear sunglasses
- Nutritious Food Consumption. Besides carrots, there are many more foods that are good for the eyes. Like mango-containing beta-carotene and vitamins C and E or fish that is decosahexaenoid Suber (DHA) are important for eye health.
- Read a book. Notice visibility. Best of all, the distance between the book and the eye is about 30 cm. Then try to position the book's eye level. So, for you who often read a book while lying, cobalahn to stop the habit.
- Watch TV. Do in the room with the lighting bright enough and make sure lights are in the ceiling, not behind the TV. While the safe distance for watching TV is a 5 x LONG diagonal screen. For example, for 14-inch television, safe distance is about 1.75 meters. For the 20-inch, about 2.5 meters and beyond.
- At Personal Computer. If you are still using CRT monitors, you'll want to install the filter screen to reduce the radiation emitted. If you are using LCD monitors or laptops, set screen brightness so it is not too bright (sharp). For those of you with daily work in front of the computer, try to much blinking your eyes or break a moment to leave your computer, try to direct your eyes to other far places, so allow time for relaxation on your eyes.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tips for Keeping the Ears Healthy
When we're swimming, shampooing or even bathing, sometimes unintentionally water will get into the ear. You do not need to worry if the water in clean water, because water will go out by itself. However, if the incoming dirty water, you must be careful, because the dirty water could be getting propped droppings inside the ear, for it immediately check to ENT specialist for further treatment.
Be careful to use cotton buds, cotton, because if left in would affect the hearing, the cotton will clog the ear drum to be hearing less. If you can not eliminate the habit of cleaning the ears with cotton buds, should be more careful in using it, not to scratch or stabs your eardrum.
Small insects or ants can also interfere with the ears. Inadvertence insects that enter the ear can make your ear infection from bites. For that look at your bedding, make sure that no insects can enter the ear.
Tips for maintaining healthy ears
- Do not clean the ears with cotton buds (if forced to, try to be careful)
- Try and get used chew food well, because chewing is a natural mechanism the body to remove impurities from the ear. Dirt can came out by itself and can be washed while bathing.