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Breastfeeding bond you and your baby emotionally in a special way that cannot be matched, because breastfeeding meets both the nutritional and development needs. The things you should
consider are as follows.
- Create a peaceful environment to relax yourself.
- Find a comfortable position, such as in a chair, with sufficient room on the sides and back
for pillows to support your baby and your arms. Sitting up in bed with pillows under your
legs or using a footstool when in a chair will help you be comfortable. - Unpack your baby and check his/her diaper; change it if required. If your baby is awake
and ready to nurse, wait until after the first breast to change your baby's diapers.
When should Start
Research shows that the critical days for breastfeeding success are the first six to seven days after
delivery, and later near the baby's sixth week. Weakness may play a large role in any fears about
continuing breastfeeding. If possible, get help with the household tasks and newborn care. Do not
hesitate to accept help when offered.
After Cesarean Birth Breastfeeding
A cesarean birth does not directly affect the breastfeeding process. However, discomfort, and the
medications used in surgery may cause challenges when you begin breastfeeding. Nurse your baby
as soon after delivery as possible, and on demand every 8-12 times per 24 hours. Once you
begin regular feedings, your milk supply will increase.
First Few Weeks of Breastfeeding
If possible, put your baby to your breast within the first hour after birth. Nurses can teach you
ways to help the baby latch on using the best positioning to ensure success. Continue to feed your
baby on demand every 1 to 3 hours per 24 hours (8-12 times per 24 hours). Frequent feedings
minimize feeding problems.
It is normal for the babies to be drowsy the first 24-48 hours after birth. Attempt to breastfeed
every 1 to 3 hours per 24 hours.
Breast feeding Problems
Successful breastfeeding is a combination of patience, support and good technique. As you become
more proficient in the skill of breastfeeding, it will become easier and more enjoyable for you.
However, beside the way you and your baby may experience some problems. According to our
research the most common problems and their solutions that mothers suffer from are given below.
Inverted or Flat Nipples:
Initial feedings may be more difficult with flat or inverted nipples, but successful breastfeeding is
achieved by most women.
- Some women find that wearing special nipple cups called breast shells between feedings
help draw their nipple out. - After you have delivered, hand expression or pumping may help make the nipple more erect.
- It is not recommended to roll, twist or pull on your nipple. These actions can cause nipple trauma.
Breast fullness is a normal condition that occurs two to three days after birth and is caused by
increased blood supply, fluids and milk in the breast tissue. Fullness is different from enlargement,
and usually decreases within the first two to three weeks if the baby is nursing regularly. If, at any time,
enough milk is not being removed, i.e., a skipped feeding, or limited feeding time at the breast,
the breasts may become tender and blown up.
- If breasts continue to be full and uncomfortable, apply cold compresses to both breasts
as needed between feedings. The cold will feel good and decrease the swelling. - Try a warm shower, hot washcloths on your breasts, or lean over a sink or basin to let your
breasts rest in the warm water prior to nursing. - Massage your breasts to promote milk flow.
- An enlarged breast may flatten your nipple, making it more difficult for your baby to latch-on.
Use hand expression of milk to soften the areola just before latch-on. - Feed your baby on demand, approximately every one to three hours for at least 15 minutes
of suckling on each breast. Do not skip feedings. - Wear a supportive bra and get in a comfortable and supported position for feedings.
Avoid underwire bras.
Sore Nipples:
Research supports the idea that the primary cause of nipple soreness is nipple pain due to improper
positioning of the baby on the breast. However, even with proper positioning, some women may
experience temporary latch-on pain.
- Make sure your baby's lips are not turned under and that your baby is not chewing on your
nipple or sucking with his/her tongue up.
- Pull down firmly on your baby's chin to disturb his/her jaw and widen the mouth
allowing his/her lower lip to roll outward. (Use your index finger cupped under your breast) - If you feel your baby nipple-chewing, break the suction, remove your baby from
your breast, and try attaching him/her again. - If your baby is sucking her tongue, you may hear a smacking sound and see her
cheeks caving in. In this case take your baby off your breast and reposition him/her. - Make sure your baby's mouth is open wide for a good latch-on.
- Use hand expression to bring a little breast milk onto the nipple.
- Express some breast milk onto your nipples after a feeding and then allow your nipples to
air dry completely.
- Avoid using drying breast creams, such as Masse or other creams that contain alcohol.
Remember, the Montgomery Glands secrete natural oil for lubrication and protection. - Try more frequent and shorter nursing periods, rather than longer times between feedings.
- If you think you need a nipple shield, talk with your lactation consultant or health care provider.
- If using nursing pads, change them frequently. Consider using 100% cotton washable bra pads.
Avoid pads with plastic or moisture-resistant liners. - Wear clean, supportive 100% cotton nursing bras. Avoid underwire and tight bras.
- Discontinue use of any breast pump, which causes discomfort, and consult a lactation consultant.
Thrush & Symptoms:
The body also depends on our normal bacteria to prevent an overgrowth of yeast organism. This
overgrowth of yeast causes a fungal infection called thrush, which grows in warm, moist conditions,
and can affect any part of the body, including the breasts and nipples in breastfeeding mothers.
- occurs several weeks or months after successful breastfeeding
- Is a burning or shooting/stabbing pain in the nipple, breast tissue or both
- Is experienced during and after feedings. Sometimes the pain in between feedings is stronger
- Its experienced with pumping the breasts
- Nipple itching, flaking, redness, shininess or sometimes white patches are present
- The baby has white patches on his/her tongue or inside the mouth.
- The baby has a yeast diaper rash and may gassy and fussy.
if you guess thrush is present, contact you health care provider for checkup and treatment. It is
wise to treat both the mother and the baby at the same time, even if there are no symptoms. If treatment
is indicated, it should continue for two weeks even if symptoms are gone.
Nipple Preference:
If possible, breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first four weeks without using bottles. Some
babies reject the breast if given bottles while they are learning to breastfeed. The suckling mechanisms
of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding are very different in the use of the muscles and the tongue.
When bottle-feeding, the milk flows faster and your baby gets milk immediately with little effort,
whereas more active suckling is necessary for breastfeeding.
- If a bottle must be given as addition, offer it after breastfeeding. If a extra is needed,
check with your local physician for advices on another option to bottles and nipples, such
as finger, syringe or cup feeding.
Decreased Milk Supply:
Breastfeeding is a supply and demand system. Whatever your baby needs, your body will produce.
Your milk is made fresh each feeding in response to the suckling stimulus. The more your baby
nurses, the more milk you will produce. If your infant is going through a growth shoot and acts hungry,
feed more frequently for a few days. Your supply will increase and your baby will resume his/her
old feeding schedule.
If you feel that your baby is not getting enough milk then observes the following things.
- Check position of your baby at the breast.
- Observe swallowing behavior of your baby. If your baby is swallowing along with sucking,
then your baby is getting milk. - Keep record of your baby's weight gain. If he/she is getting one ounce in a day during the first
months, then he/she is getting enough diet.
- Breastfeed your baby every 8-12 times in 24 hours.
- Try to take rest and relax your body may be by sleeping. Rest when your baby sleeps.
Remember that babies are night creatures for the first three weeks. This is normal so you will
have opportunities for nursing sessions at night, and try to sleep during the day when your
baby sleeps. - Drink fluids when thirsty.
- Eat a well-balanced diet.
- If any way you continue to have problems for your milk supply then you should consult your physician.
- Try to avoid changing your physician. Because the one physician knows and understands
better about your case history and course of your treatment through medicines.
Plugged Ducts:
Occasionally milk ducts become stopped as a result of incomplete emptying or continued pressure on
one or more duct. If this occurs, you may feel a hard, lumpy, painful area on your breast.
- Apply warm, moist towels to your breasts before feeding.
- Massage your breasts down in the direction of the nipple paying more attention to the painful area.
- Breastfeed in different positions. Place your baby's chin in the direction of the plugged duct.
- Use a little lotion on your thumb and apply firm rolling pressure from behind to the outer
lump toward the nipple while your baby breastfeeds. - Get plenty of rest and fluids.
- Avoid restrictive clothing.
- Avoid sleeping on your tummy or the side that the plugged duct is on.
- If the plug does not resolve in several days, contact your physician for assistance. However,
if you develop fever and flu-like symptoms, you may have progressed to mastitis. Contact your
health care provider immediately.
Mastitis is a breast infection. Fatigue is a leading cause of mastitis. Occasionally, a plugged duct
will become infected or bacteria will enter the breast through another route, such as an open sore
on the areola or nipple. Usually hot red, painful, and hard area will be present on the breast.
Typically, the mother will have a fever greater than 100.4 F degrees and feel "flu-like."
Do not wait for the mastitis to go away by itself. Contact your health care provider immediately
for treatment with antibiotics. It is very important that you continue frequent nursing during this time.
Your milk is not infected and will not harm your baby.