Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vitamin C Turunkan Kadar Asam Urat

VITAMIN C ternyata tak hanya bagus untuk memperbaiki kondisi tubuh usai operasi atau saat lemah, melainkan juga baik bagi mereka yang menderita penyakit asam urat atau gout, satu bentuk rematik yang menyebabkan munculnya peradangan pada sendi-sendi.

"Asupan vitamin C menyediakan pilihan lain yang bermanfaat dalam mencegah penyakit asam urat," jelas Dr. Hyon Choi dan koleganya dari universitas British Columbia di Vancouver, Kanada.

Korban-korban penyakit gout memiliki ciri biasanya berusia 40-an atau lebih dan pria, meski kadang juga wanita. Vitamin C dikatakan para ahli ini dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah.

Gout, merupakan penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen pada sendi dan terkait dengan penyalahgunaan alkohol, kegemukan, tekanan darah tinggi dan diet tinggi daging serta keju.

Di Amerika Serikat, penyakit ini nyaris menyerang sekitar 3 juta warga. Sebuah observasi atas 47.000 pria Amerika dari tahun 1986 hingga 2006 dengan beragam masalah kesehatan menemukan bahwa setiap 500 mg vitamin C yang dikonsumsi menurunkan risiko terkena gout hingga 17 persen.

Sementara itu. sekitar 70 mg vitamin C dapat Anda peroleh dari sebuah jeruk. Konsentrasi lebih tinggi dapat diperoleh dari pil suplemen.

Risiko makin berkurang hingga 45 persen bagi mereka yang mengonsumsi Vitamin C 1.500 mg per hari dibanding mereka yang mengonsumsi 250 mg per hari, kata tim yang dikepalai Choi yang sekarang mengajar di Universitas Boston, Amerika Serikat.

Sumber : Yahoo!Health"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is Nicotine Patch really safe? | I Love My Health!

Is Nicotine Patch really safe? | I Love My Health!: "Nicotine patches appear to be safe aide for smoking cessation, even among patients with coronary artery disease and active ischemia, finds a study by Methodist DeBakey Heart Center researchers.

In this prospective, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 55 participants who had a greater than nine percent ischemic perfussion defect size ( based on SPECT scan) and who smoked over 20 cigarettes per day were randomly required to receive eight 21 mg nicotine patches or placebo patches while continuing to smoke."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Obesity and heart transplantation

Being obese should not deny a patient having heart transplantation, say a lecture presented during the 56th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology.

Guidelines for listing candidates for heart transplant were recently revised to include obesity ( BMI greater than 30kg/m2) as a potential reason for denial. However, the supporting evidence for the recommendation was very weak, so that researchers from the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York examined if there was indeed a link between pre-heart transplant BMI and post-transplant survival using data from United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).

In this study, experts looked at more than 18000 first-time adult transplant recipients between 1995 and 2005. Subjects were divided into standard BMI categories: underweight, normal, overweight, obese, severely obese and morbidly obese.

Findings from the study showed that while the normal weight patients had the best survival (10.1 years), there was no statistical difference in the survival after transplantation among obese patients (9.6 years) and among the less severely overweight patients (9.7 years).

The findings, according to Dr. Mark Russo, lead researcher of the study, do not support the recommendation, but that, to the contrary, it shows that obese patients do not face an increased risk of death after transplantation.

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